Feb 9, 2011

MIME Concept 7th Sense

7th sense is a mime that tels us that man is still lacking some common sense with his 6 senses. So every one must possess the seventh sense to make living interesting in this world. This mime consists of 5 sequences and the whole mime is divided into 2 parts. First part- the problems and 2nd part the solution.
 These are the 5 sequences of the mime...

Feb 8, 2011


We recently did a play about aghories... I ll upload the story later as we are currently performing it... I ve put up only the offstage fotos for time being... Expect the story and the video soon on this blog, based on the comments i recieve.... 

MIME CONCEPT... Evolution...

Hi friends. We recently did a mime on evolution. We begin the mime with a still of the evolution with 6 people standing right a way from monkey yo Human being. Then change over to the ancient scene when all men were monkeys. The sequence of the mime is given below in order.
*Discovery of fire by rubbing stone.